Sunday, October 10, 2010

Persuasive Speech Reflection

My persuasive speech had to be on a non-profit organization, and so I chose Suburban Urban Ventures. It was a company that my dad started, so I felt as though I could get the most information about it and no one would know what it was. Before the presentation I felt pretty confident, because it is a company that comes from my family so I felt as though I could portray it well. For this speech, I took the time before hand to research everything. I didn't stay up the night before to do everything, like I did for the last two speech's. I think this calmed my nerves a little better because I wasn't worried about if I had everything written down. Finding sources for the speech was pretty simple, because I decided to interview my dad which was one source and he also had many books about things that I was talking about. I got to class early because I wanted to be first, just so that I wouldn't have to worry about all the pressure building up as others gave their speech. During the speech I felt pretty good, and that I didn't look at the cards too much. I felt as though I was looking at the audience a little bit more, and that I talked a little more pronounced. After the speech was when I looked at the time card and felt pretty bad for only talking for three minutes. Looking back there was a lot I could have elaborated on, and made the whole speech a little more interesting. It would have made me felt a lot better about the speech as a whole. For my next speech I want to stick to the time limits, but still have the same presentation for my persuasive speech because I felt comfortable and not as stressed as the first two speeches.